Performative scores
A series of written performative scores which have taken part of the performance work Appearing in the movement of water (2020) during different moments of the process. These score are an invitation to imagine and follow a research process with body and everyday life objects.

Poemas de supermercado
It is a series of e-mail correspondence between the volcano Iztaccíhuatl and Naranja, a supermarket cashier. In the emails they write about their lives as they exchange drawings, photographs, memories and affections during the confinement of covid-19.

Iztaccíhuatl en erupción
Performance research based on the representation in art of the peer volcanoes Iztaccíhuatl and Popocatépetl. This was a study and a proposal for an alternative narrative of the myth which perpetuates the volcanoes to binary gender roles.
Here the link to the book, is in spanish:
Here the link to the book, is in spanish:

Photographic dialogue with the city of Brussels and the studio and work of the Belgian artist Ann Veronica Janssens.