Curriculum Vitae
Michelle Sáenz Burrola
(México / USA, 1992)
visual artist / performer / choreographer / educator
- 2019-2020 - MFA Performing Arts, Listaháskóli Islands, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- 2012-2018 - BA Visual Arts, Escuela Nacional de Pintura Escultura y Grabado La Esmeralda, Mexico City.
- 2016-2017 - BA academic exchange, L ́Ecole de Recherche Graphique, Brussels, Belgium.
- 2012 - Foundation Year, Art History, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City.
- 2022 - Partituras: Mirar Tocar Mover, curatorial accompaniment of Mariel Vela, El Sur-Casa Lu, Mexico City.
- 2019 - Art is viewer-specific not site-specific, online No hacer nada, Mexico City.
- 2017 - Maps, Ecole de Recherche Graphique, Brussels, Belgium.
- 2016 - ¡Adelante!, Ciclo de pintura, No hacer nada, Mexico City.
Collective Exhibitions
- 2023 - Mapeos, curated by Ximena Robles and Mercedes Gonzalez Luna, en el 14, Torre Latinoamericana, Mexico City.
- 2023 - La muerte de un torero, curated by Ana Sampietro, Fernanda Dichi, Jaime González Solís, Islera, Mexico City.
- 2022 - Venga le digo curated by Jenny Díaz Muñoz and Samuel Lasso, Biquini Wax, Mexico City.
- 2022 - Escrituras en presente continuo curated by Mariel Vela and Sandra Sánchez, Museo Cabañas, Guadalajara, México.
- 2021 - La institución del relajo curated by Gerardo Contreras, Devianttt, Mexico City.
- 2021 - Community of Sentient Beings curated by Hubert Gromny and Wiola Ujazdowska, Hafnarborg Museum, Iceland.
- 2021 - Rabia en los labios mareos en el corazón, curated by Ivonne Dubois, residencias Lagos, Mexico City.
- 2021 - Huellas habitadas curated by Ricardo Malagón Borges, El arenero, Mexico City.
- 2021 - Hacer algo de la nada, curated by Daniela Flores and Carmen Huizar, , MACG, Mexico City.
- 2021 -, online exhibition with riso publication curated by Omar Bocanegra, with Mexico City
- 2020 - Performance Homeworks, exhibition project by Michikazu Matsune in cooperation with Kunsthaus Graz, Vienna, Austria.
- 2019 - Mamifieralis en la tierra gris, Mamifieras, Pandeo, Mexico City.
- 2019 - Preparar la Tierra, Colectivo Maleza in residence, La Quiñonera, Mexico City.
- 2019 - Roza, quema y tumba, colectivo Maleza, La Quiñonera, Mexico City.
- 2018 - Capas del cuerpo, performance during the exhibition Punto Ciego of Yanina Pelle, Maleza, La Quiñonera, Mexico City.
- 2017 - I could have been a dancer, video by Jolien Naeyaert in collaboration with Elisa Schmitt and Michelle Sáenz Burrola as part of Wandering caravan residence, BLANCO, Ghent, Belgium.
- 2017 - 3 mai, La Cheminée, Brussels, Belgium.
- 2016 - Salón Abierto de Pintura, Ladrón Galería, Mexico City.
- 2015 - Antropometrías, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City.
- 2014 - 6ta Bienal Internacional de Arte Visual Universitario in collaboration with Madara Tropa, Toluca, Mexico.
- 2023 - En la caminata un cardumen en el cardumen una poesía, in collaboration with Amado Cabrales en el 14, Torre Latinoamericana, Mexico City.
- 2023 - Caminata cardumen, Café del centro, Mexico City.
- 2022 - Partituras: árboles de mandarina, curatorial accompaniment of Mariel Vela, El Sur-Casa Lu, Mexico City.
- 2021 - My name is naranja, Long weekend/Long Helgi exhibition, Hotel Oddsson, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- 2021 - Notas sobre performance,, MACG, Mexico City.
- 2020 - Appearing in the movement of water, Iceland University of the Arts, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- 2020 - Video-performance Atmósfera, Danza UNAM, México City.
- 2020 - Lecture performance with Sara Mikolai, Rethinking the narrative of progress in art, Hugarflug, Reykjavik Iceland.
- 2019 - Iztaccíhuatl en erupción, Colectivo Maleza in residence, La Quiñonera, Mexico City.
- 2018 - Capas del cuerpo, performance during the exhibition Punto Ciego of Yanina Pelle, Maleza, La Quiñonera, Mexico City.
- 2018 - Artistic collaboration and performance with Teatro Línea de Sombra, Durango66, Pacific Standard Time Festival: LA LA/ REDCAT, Los Angeles, USA.
- 2017 - Practice of Wandering performance by Jolien Naeyaert in collaboration with Elisa Schmitt and Michelle Sáenz Burrola, DRIFT, Ghent, Belgium.
Workshops / Seminars / Lectures
- 2022 - Mutar el mapa: laboratorio performático, Vicente Razo´s workshop, ENPEG La Esmeralda Mexico City,
- 2022 - What if we distort a cartography, warm-up, Zeppelin university at documenta15, Kassel, Germany.
- 2022 - Mutar el Mapa: Laboratorio Performatico, Museo Anahuacalli, Ciudad de las artes, Mexico City.
- 2021 - Distorting maps: Performative Scores, KHiO, Open Forum, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Oslo, Norway.
- 2021 - Presentation of performance research Iztaccíhuatl en Erupción, Community of Sentient Beings exhibition Hafnarborg Museum, Iceland,
Book Fairs
- 2021 - Reykjavik Art Book Fair, Reykjavík Dance Festival, Ásmandursalur, Reykjavík, Iceland.
- 2023 - Jan and Frank Cicero artist-in-Residence fellowship, Newberry Library, Chicago. USA.
- 2022 - El Sur-Casa Lu residency, local artist grant, Mexico City.
- 2021 - Talleres-Museo-Residency, Anahuacalli- Diego Rivera, Mexico City.
- 2020 - Performing Arts residency, Listahaskoli MFA, Kolstadir, Iceland.
- 2019 - Preparar la Tierra, Maleza collective, La Quiñonera, Mexico City.
- 2016 - am wOAndering... a research on landscape and the practice of wandering, Jolien Naeyaert and Elisa Schmitt, Belgium.
- 2021 - Erasmus+, research for longlenght film Celestino by performance artist Hand Bryssink-SPIN, Mexico-Brussels-Iceland.
- 2020 - Icelandic Student Innovation Fund, Rannis, Iceland.
- 2016 - Beca de Movilidad Universitaria en Canadá, Europa y Asia Pacífico MANEA, México.
- 2016 - BECARTE Becas CONACYT – Fundación INBA, México.